A-Bomb In Hanover Street
The Axidents put the boot in with a quality set at The 3 Tuns last night.

And no Axidents gig is complete without another round of the "Harold Lloyd Look-Alike Contest" - Some strong contenders this time around!!

Deek insists on having a second attempt.

And, as per usual - A small video clip to savour - Quality is a bit on the dark side but you get the idea!!

And no Axidents gig is complete without another round of the "Harold Lloyd Look-Alike Contest" - Some strong contenders this time around!!

And, as per usual - A small video clip to savour - Quality is a bit on the dark side but you get the idea!!
Good work yet again Chaz, cheers
but 6th photo down man me and Deek are paying for having that Crack a walnut between the cheeks of your arse compitition "live on stage.
ah the music biz it's a funny old game eh ?
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