Managed to get my old PC set up again to post these Pic's from last nights gig - Again, thanks to all who came along - And to all the unknown photographers for taking pics of The Jocks! :) - Pic's from Dougie's party will have to wait as they are off my camera and on my "dead" PC at the moment.
last photo take a peek through the wee windae now tell me it's no that Donald Sutherland film the one where he's poncin' around chasin that wee horror in Venice
by the way loved your set could've sworn i've heard a few of these songs before though matey.
merry x mas to you and a happy new year from a guy who supports a team that his rivals warned that the owner would asset strip it and then be left without a manager ooohhh wait a minut that's your lot
jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh wot fun it is tae f***k the H*bs on new years day
Well spotted Arf - The Hooded Horror from "Don't Look Now". Glad you enjoyed The Jocks efforts - They probably sound familiar as i believe there is a bunch of 'upstarts' gigging around at the moment calling themselves "The New York Dolls" - I believe you have one of their T shirts. Had a great night - look forward to more Axidents/Jocks double-headers in the future. Have a Cool Yule - Chaz
"He looked like a rather dapper turtle on his back" ~ Baz telling Shade what Mark (aka Mr Bump)fi the Jocks and Shock & Awe looked like outside Henry's when looking cool, stepped back only to find the wall wazn't there! Hiz fall in his 'cuban heelz' whilst wearing his guitar was one of the funniest momentz, thoze fortunate enough to witness it, had seen for yearz !! 8:)
last photo take a peek through the wee windae
now tell me it's no that Donald Sutherland film the one where he's poncin' around chasin that wee horror in Venice
by the way loved your set could've sworn i've heard a few of these songs before though matey.
merry x mas to you and a happy new year from a guy who supports a team that his rivals warned that the owner would asset strip it and then be left without a manager ooohhh wait a minut that's your lot
jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh wot fun it is tae f***k the H*bs on new years day
all the best to ya Chazmeister
Well spotted Arf - The Hooded Horror from "Don't Look Now". Glad you enjoyed The Jocks efforts - They probably sound familiar as i believe there is a bunch of 'upstarts' gigging around at the moment calling themselves "The New York Dolls" - I believe you have one of their T shirts. Had a great night - look forward to more Axidents/Jocks double-headers in the future. Have a Cool Yule - Chaz
Have ye checked oot Cabz Hairbear Bunch look ! Itz obvious he haz been uzin 'Harmony' in hiz nest again ! ha ha
'Harmony' - Don't u mean Chaos?? heh heh
"He looked like a rather dapper turtle on his back" ~ Baz telling Shade what Mark (aka Mr Bump)fi the Jocks and Shock & Awe looked like outside Henry's when looking cool, stepped back only to find the wall wazn't there! Hiz fall in his 'cuban heelz' whilst wearing his guitar was one of the funniest momentz, thoze fortunate enough to witness it, had seen for yearz !!
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