Saturday, August 09, 2008

Last Night's Gig

Some piccies from last nights gig/Birthday celebrations - Was a great night!!

Here's a cheeky little video clip of The Axidents in action - Don't know the name of this one so help me out guys.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a must seek soulseek job Chaz
Love In A Molotov Cocktail - The Flys

although it definetly sounds better when played by the original group not the avantgarde jazz bum notes courtesy of yours truly.

see that Deekers Cheekers he's a cheeky chappie I never pull him up for singin the wrong words.

Cheers for coming Chaz, oh what's happened to the Hubz match reports

"report when yur winning you only report when yur winning"


10:42 pm  
Blogger Chaz said...

Thanks for the info Arf - I will have to check that out.

Gig's not a gig without a bit of bum-notage or bum-drummage for that matter! heh

You's played a stormer last night - was well-impressed!

As fur the Hubz reports - I told you before that I can see this season being pure pish and posting match reports would be a demoralising experience! - the evidence today suggests that this would be the case :0(

11:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that boy dereks got a bum notes obsession, I probably shouldnt have fucked him up the arse in lister toilets back in 1980. but I did and he LOVED it !

the flys were shit hot, coventry band - check out the song "namedropping" its first class,one of 14 songs I look for when making a compilation but all their stuff is good - the guitarist neil o'connor (hazels brother) has agreed to play on shock and awes next album

you should mention that you got up to play drums ! it was a good laugh singing "I'm sucking a chinese cock" to the chinky burd colecting the glasses

teenage bobby awe

3:21 am  

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