The Final Piece of "The Axidents Meridian Trilogy"
Another fine performance from The Axidents !!
Here is a cheeky little clip of The Axi's performing "Homicide", I'll try and film "Ghosts of Princes in towers' next time as you's do a stonking version!! Love it!! ;oD
Gr8 gig n topz nite again. Only thing iz wot we all gona do next week az no Jockz or Axi'z gigz to go to?!
Chaz's hoose fur a party then
thatchers Britain
Party at Chaz's?? No much chance o that happening seeing how I is on night-shift next Friday and Saturday!!
Chaz @ Work!
Party at Chaz's wot a gr8 idea! Bit o a shame you iz workin Chaz but don't worry we will still be partyin at yourz when you get home!
The thatch in pic 1 is a bit bare is it no?!
Or is pic 1 yin o they auld fustie lookin Cacti plants yeh find at car boot sales?!
Am no coming back fae a night-shift to a smoke-filled flat wi beer-soaked carpets!!
Unless it's ma own smoke and beer :@)
No probz just leave your fagz oot & yer beer chillin in the fridge & you can come home to your own smoke & your own beer soaked carpets!~:@}
Haha - no the same if i aint smoked or drank it!!! :->
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