Sunday, October 13, 2013

New Music Player

I've added a new music playing gizmo-thing to the blog. The old one had been around for a few years and you would have been well-bored with the Biffo the Bear stuff that was on it. This new one is a bit bigger than I would have liked and I could do without the big 'Share' button on the bottom but I'll see if I can change the settings. I will load this one up with music from different bands that I am in or have been involved in. To kick it off, here is Quarry by Desperation a m. It is taken from a recording we made at Verden Studios earlier this month - Enjoy.

Edit: Added a couple of new tracks. 1. Prairie Dog by The Selfish Gene. This was recorded back in 1997/8ish (I think)  2. As Safe as Helicopters by Kyle's Dilemma.


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