Africa - Part 3: The road to Mozambique
We finally get on the road about 4 hours later than planned due to the previous nights celebrations, nursing various cuts, sprains and chipped teeth. It's easy sailing until the border, where we stew under a baking sun while we wait for visas to be made for everyone. I wish I had taken some photos there but it was a wee bit scary at the time (people walking about with AK-47's). Mozambique starts at the 9th pic down. This was to be the most testing drive of anyone's experience and will live in the memory for a very long time. We were way beyond our time schedule and it was pitch dark before we were even half-way to our destination. The road was mostly fine but there was a 40km stretch that had more pot-holes than tarmac - Sometimes the road disappeard altogether! Oncoming traffic had either no headlights or just one - if you were lucky, they were on full beam!! To make matters worse we discovered that the air conditioning in our car didn't work and we didn't want to roll any windows down in fear of letting Mosquitos in - sheesh!! The drive through the outskirts of Maputo will never be forgotten - Imagine Ingleston market but 1000 times bigger and set in the Bronx and you might just get an idea of the chaos that we had to drive through - Again, I wish I had taken pics but I think I was just too Gob-Smacked with the surreal scene that we were in. We arrived at Zavora at 9.33pm in total darkness and unpacked the cars - everyone had a lot to drink!!!!

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