Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Izzy & da Stooges mkII - One and only practise at Coloursound.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer School

New track (quite old actually) from 'She was dressed as Biffo the Bear' on my Myspace page - It's just a demo version as a catastrophic hard drive crash deleted the original tracks. It was gonna be quite a good track (In my opinion, as it used a cheeky 13/8 time signature coupled with samples from 'The Comic Stip Presents - Summer School') But maybe I'm just talking shite again :)

It's on the SHE WAS DRESSED AS BIFFO THE BEAR playlist gizmo-thing

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Videos from the Ian Calvert gig

Footage for all of the bands who played at the Ian Calvert gig with the exception of the Isaac Brutal band - apologies.

More Jocks HERE

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Last Friday at Henry's - Ian Calvert Night

.................... Izzy and the Stooges

.................... Shock and Awe

.................... The Axidents

.................... Isaac Brutal & The Hired Hands

.................... Chinese Jocks

.................... Sad Society

.................... The Media Whores

And finally, A very BIG thankyou to everyone who came along - You know who you are.