As if things couldn't get any worse - My copy of Windows XP that i have installed on this, my temporary PC until i get my new one up and running again, needs to be activated today - And as i have had to install this version that i paid £90 for 5 times already (Mostly due to Hard Drive failures) Microsoft will not accept another 'activation' from me with this copy of Windows - This sucks big time but thats another issue - What i'm trying to say is that as of tomorrow (Christmas Day - The Irony!!) my Windows installation on this PC will be closed down - But i have some new hardware ordered (Xmas pressie to myself) to get my other pc back in business soon. Chances are that i will be off-line for maybe a week or so - So have a Happy New Year as well and I hope that 2008 is better than 2007! - Thanks for all your Comments etc this year!! :) - Chaz over and OUT